A nightmare for Sweden at the World Cup – this is how Sweden reacts: “Shameful” | Sport

A nightmare for Sweden at the World Cup this

Sweden did not reach the final again in the World Cup. The previous final place is from 2018, when it also won the world championship.

Sweden’s sky at the World Ice Hockey Championships ends again in severe disappointment. This time, Sweden was knocked out of the final by the Czech Republic, which defeated the NHL stars in the semi-final of the group with 7–3 goals.

Sweden has not reached the finals of the World Cup since 2017 and 2018, when they won the world championship in both years Rikard Grönborgin under.

– Tre Kronor is beaten, collapsed against the Czech Republic in the semi-finals, Swedish Broadcasting Corporation SVT titled its story.

– A dream of gold to pieces, Expressen headlines.

– Sweden was crushed, Aftonbladet, on the other hand, wrote.

Swedish expert and former ice hockey player Per Svartvadet also criticized the team’s way of losing.

– Sweden’s performance in the semi-finals was shameful.

Sweden’s taival at the World Championships

Sweden’s success in the World Cup in the last ten years:

2023 Semi-final Sweden – Latvia 1–3

2022 Semi-final Sweden – Canada 3–4 and

2021 9th, not in the quarterfinals

2019 Semi-final Finland–Sweden 5–4 and

2018 World Champion Sweden–Switzerland 3–2

2017 World Champion Sweden–Canada 2–1

2016 Semi-final Canada – Sweden 6–0

2015 Semi-final Sweden – Russia 3–5

2014 World Cup bronze Sweden–Czech Republic 3–0

“I think we were better”

Sweden has no less than 17 players who play regularly in the NHL, while the Czech Republic has 11 of them. The Swedish team starred, among others Victor Hedman, Adrian Kempe, Lucas Raymond and Joel Erikson Ek. As many as six of Sweden’s NHL players scored at least 44 points in the regular season of the league this season.

– This is hard to swallow. I think we were the better team, but it wasn’t enough today, Victor Hedman said on Viaplay.

Sweden dominated the semi-final until the start of the second set. After that, the Czech Republic took the lead for the first time in the match with two quick goals within 16 seconds. A few minutes later, the Czech Republic struck again when Domink Kubalik scored 5–2.

Even though Sweden was still able to narrow down at the end of the set, it was not able to get a decent streak going in the final set. Instead, the Czech Republic Lukas Sedlak rattled off two drive-through goals.

The story was corrected at 18:32: the claim that Sweden would be out of the medal games was corrected. The team is still playing the bronze medal match.
