a new war in the Caucasus?

a new war in the Caucasus

Armenia and Azerbaijan accuse each other of new attacks on September 14. On the night of Monday September 12 to Tuesday September 13, clashes between Azerbaijani and Armenian forces left at least 50 dead on each side. The most violent since the 2020 war.

The new ceasefire announced on September 13 by Russia seems not to have been respected. Armenia’s Defense Minister claims that Baku has ” resumed its attacks with artillery and large-caliber weapons on Armenian territory tonight. Opposite his Azerbaijani counterpart maintains that the Armenian forces bombarded his positions on the other side of the border.

Moreover, Azerbaijan has offered Armenia to hand over the bodies of 100 Armenian soldiers killed in the fighting over the past few days, thus reporting an Armenian death toll that is much heavier than the 49 dead announced by Yerevan.

During a press briefing, the spokesperson for the German Foreign Ministry urged the two countries on Wednesday at midday to end their conflict which threatens the security of the whole ” region “, adding that Berlin supported” the European Union’s offer of mediation “. EU Special Representative Toivo Klaar is expected in the South Caucasus on Wednesday to facilitate dialogue between Baku and Yerevan.

► To listen also: Armenia: demonstrations against the “concessions” made to Azerbaijan on Nagorno-Karabakh

In 2020, the two countries openly clashed over control of Nagorno-Karabakh. A war that left 6,500 dead. A peace agreement signed under theaegis of Russia was to lay the foundations for lasting normalization. In particular, it provided for the retrocession to Azerbaijan of the lands around Nagorno-Karabakh, which remains under the control of the separatists and the Armenians.

Tensions never completely subsided. Today, each accuses the other of having triggered a resumption of hostilities. Azerbaijan thus claims to be responding to Armenian provocations which foreshadowed a large-scale operation. Conversely, Armenia denounces attacks on its territory.

Today, Baku is in a position of strength compared to Russia, Armenia’s big brother. Moscow is embroiled in the war in Ukraine.

► To read also: Violent clashes on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan
