a new validity period of 4 months, how does it work?

a new validity period of 4 months how does it

COVID RECOVERY CERTIFICATE. The recovery certificate allows you to have a vaccination pass. What is that ? How to get it? And how long is it valid? Here are all the answers.

[Mis à jour le 30 janvier 2022 à 15h27] From February 15, 2022, the validity period of the certificate of recovery after a Covid-19 infection will be reduced from six months to four months, announced Thursday, January 27, the Ministry of Health. The recovery certificate is “one of the proofs that allows you to have a valid vaccination pass”, said the ministry. This document is only issued to French people infected with Covid-19 more than 11 days ago and therefore less than 4 months. Once the period of four months after contamination has elapsed, the booster dose becomes necessary again to keep the vaccination pass. The measure applies to people over the age of 18. This shortening of the validity period also concerns people who were infected before February 15, and not only those who will contract Covid-19 from this date and who have not yet received their booster dose. According to franceinfo, people who would make their recall a few days after February 15, to comply, will have to integrate the fact that there will be a period of seven days after the injection for the reactivation of the vaccination pass. According to estimates by the Ministry of Health, some 7 million people, unvaccinated or without a booster dose, risk losing their vaccination pass on February 15.

The recovery certificate allows people whose vaccination schedule is not complete because it was delayed by a Covid-19 infection to still benefit from the advantages of the vaccination pass. With this proof, the rule “one infection = one injection” is renewed, and for good reason, scientists believe that contamination with coronavirus, if it prevents the administration of the vaccine, can replace a booster dose. The questions that then arise are: how to certify a Covid-19 infection in time and recover the certificate of recovery? Simply ask the laboratory or healthcare professional who carried out the positive PCR or antigen test to give you the supporting document. Otherwise, the document is also accessible from the SI-DEP platform using the identifiers transmitted during the test. The certificate is valid in its paper or digital format, you must then scan the QR code present on the certificate to integrate it into the TousAntiCovid application.

Is the Covid-19 recovery certificate included in the vaccination pass?

The bill amended and validated by the National Assembly and the Senate provides for the maintenance of the recovery certificate as a means of obtaining your vaccination pass, as it was for the health pass. “The recovery certificate may continue to replace the proof of vaccination status”, indicated the text of the bill published on December 30, 2021, mentioning it as an “adaptation provided for by decree”. This point was confirmed by the Minister of Health Olivier Véran in response to questions from deputies on this same bill: “I confirm that the recovery certificate issued to people who have been infected with Covid and are not yet eligible to the vaccination – will give access to the vaccination pass, under the same conditions as it gave access to the health pass.

What is a Covid-19 recovery certificate?

The Covid-19 recovery certificate consists of a positive Covid-19 test for more than 11 days and less than 4 months. These deadlines (more than 11 days, less than 4 months) make it possible to certify that a person has recovered from their Covid-19 infection, therefore that they have antibodies against the virus. Thus, from February 15, the validity period of the certificate of recovery after a Covid-19 infection will be reduced from six months to four months, the Ministry of Health announced on Thursday January 27. Positive screening must imperatively be an RT-PCR or antigen test. Self-tests and serological tests are not accepted. It is the positive result of this test that you must present to obtain your health pass and, soon, the vaccination pass if the bill is adopted.

To get it, just go to the SI-DEP platform (National Covid-19 population screening information system). This is what gives access to the results of your tests. All you have to do is enter the identifiers transmitted during your test. If you have misplaced them, be aware that you can also connect using your “France Connect” identifiers, in particular those you use for your Ameli Social Security account or on the tax website. The results certificates can then be printed, a QR Code being present on the page. They can also be imported into the TousAntiCovid app to allow you to directly obtain your digital health pass.

Can I retrieve the recovery certificate on Améli?

No, only the SI-DEP platform makes it possible to recover the results of the tests, positive or negative, and therefore in the case of a positive test, its proof serving as a certificate of recovery. The identifiers to access SI-DEP are provided during your test but you can also use your Ameli identifiers via France Connect, for the tax site…

The document presenting your positive test for Covid-19 (dated more than 11 days and less than 4 months to be eligible for the health pass) includes a QR Code. It is this QR Code that you just need to scan in the Tous AntiCovid application in the “Tous AntiCovid Carnet” section.

How long is the Covid-19 recovery certificate valid?

The certificate of recovery is valid for four months after the positive test. The results are stored for 4 months on the SI-DEP platform in the event of a positive test.

Can I be allowed to travel with a certificate of reinstatement?

Yes, but the conditions are more restrictive than for the health pass valid for activities in France (access to restaurants, cinemas, trains, etc.). The European health pass (which can be found under the heading “border health pass” in the TousAntiCovid app) accepts the recovery certificate but only via a positive PCR test. The antigenic test is not authorized, contrary to what is allowed for the French health pass called “for activities”.
