A new test for those who are eager to study will be tested this autumn

A new test for those who are eager to study

Published: Less than 40 min ago

full screen On October 9, a test is given for those who want to obtain university admission. Archive image. Photo: Veronica Johansson/SvD/TT

Next week, registration opens for a completely new test that may mean the way into university. The exam can be seen as a second chance for those who never passed high school.

It is a basic entrance examination, open to people who do not have a high school diploma and who have not enrolled in a high school qualification at Komvux or Folkhögskola. In order to write the exam, you must be 24 years old, and thus theoretically have had time to enroll in upper secondary school.

The test must show that the person in question has knowledge and skills at upper secondary school level in Swedish, mathematics and English. The test takers must also demonstrate that they can conduct written reasoning in given questions.

No guarantees

The new exam should therefore be seen as a second chance – but no guarantee – for adults to be able to study at university. A passing test result provides basic eligibility, but no more. Anyone aiming for an education with special eligibility requirements must complete the required high school courses, or have the knowledge validated.

The result from the basic entrance exam is also not something you can compete with for popular educations, i.e. when there are more applicants than places, because it does not give merit value.

– Therefore, it makes no sense at all for those who already have basic authorization to write the exam. It gives no plus points, emphasizes Susanne Wadsborn Taube, head of department at the University and Higher Education Council (UHR).

One more test

Those who write the exam and want to increase their chances of getting into a sought-after education need to take the traditional college exam and get a good result.

The basic eligibility test is still an attempt and will be conducted this fall and next. The number of participants is limited, but how many may be interested in writing the exam remains to be seen.

– We have had briefings with guidance counselors at universities and upper secondary schools, but it is an unclear target group that will write. We simply do not know who lacks basic authorization and may be interested, says Susanne Wadsborn Taube.

The test has been developed and constructed at the University of Gothenburg, and when the trial is completed after the second test in the fall of 2023, it is up to the government to decide if the basic eligibility test should be made permanent.

The first exam will be held on October 9 this year in five locations: Gothenburg, Luleå, Lund, Stockholm and Sundsvall.


Some terms

Basic eligibility: The basic requirement to study a university education. Usually obtained with a high school diploma, complete grades from high school, Komvux or Folkhögskola.

Special eligibility: Additional requirements for prior knowledge, for example certain high school courses in mathematics for those who are going to study a technical education. May also involve requirements for work experience, work samples or university courses.

Qualifying exam: Tested this fall and next. Registration for the fall exam opens on August 30 and remains open until the 1,000 places are filled, or until September 13, 2022.

The university exam: A selection test – a way to increase one’s chances of being admitted to an attractive education. The test result can be used by eligible applicants.

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