A new shower of shooting stars is arriving, at what time and how can you observe the Orionids?

A new shower of shooting stars is arriving at what

Since the beginning of October, we can see shooting stars in the night sky. These are the Orionids which will reach their maximum intensity in a few days. We tell you everything about this celestial spectacle!

In a few days, you will be able to witness the peak intensity of the Orionids, a particularly important meteor shower of the fall. This extends over several weeks between October 2 and November 7 but presents a peak of activity on October 22 during which the number of observable shooting stars will considerably increase. On this date, it will be possible to admire around 20 meteors per hour. Enough to spend a lovely evening with your head in the stars!

Where do the Orionids come from?

Like the others star showers shooting, the Orionids are produced by dust from a comet. This time it’s Comet 1P/Halley, also responsible for the Eta Aquarids that occur in spring. When the Earth passes through this cloud of particles in its orbit, this dust enters the atmosphere and disintegrates there, burning up under the effect of speed. The Orionids are among the fastest shooting stars known. They move at a speed of 66 kilometers per second, which is faster than the famous Perseids that you probably had the opportunity to observe during the summer.

When and how to admire them?

If the weather is good, the Orionids should offer us a beautiful show, particularly during their peak of activity on October 22. Although their radiant point, that is to say the source of the shooting stars, is in the constellation of Orion, the specialized website Starwalk advises looking at about 45 to 50 degrees from the latter. This is where the longest and brightest meteors should be found. To quickly and easily recognize the constellation of Orion, do not hesitate to use a sky map like the one on the site Stelvision or a mobile application like Sky Tonight (accessible on Google Play and on the App Store).

The best time to admire this shower of shooting stars is around 2 a.m. when they will be highest in the sky. But it will be possible to admire meteors from midnight until dawn. To benefit from it, you don’t need any special equipment, you just need to open your eyes and be patient. Ideally, sit on a deck chair so that your gaze is naturally directed towards the celestial vault and thus avoid neck pain. To complete this astronomy evening, bring a blanket and a thermos of hot drink.
