A new sci-fi shooter for Steam and PS5 looks like Doom in the cyberpunk universe, appears in May

In his first trailer, Metal Eden looks like Doom Eternal, but with cyberpunk instead of demons. The shooter is scheduled for Steam and PS5 in May.

What kind of game is that? The Polish developer Reicon Games describes Metal Eden as an adrenaling-reloaded first-person shooter in the sci-fi style. The first trailer already shows what that means and is strongly reminiscent of ID software Doom Eternal.

You can see the reveal trailer for Metal Eden here:

Metal Eden: The first trailer for the new sci-fi shooter on Steam and PS5

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What is the game about? Not much is known about the main story, but it seems to be a dark sci-fi story with cyberpunk elements. You slip into the role of Aska – a woman whose awareness was uploaded to a hyper unit.

These hyper units are fighting androids, which are driven by a so-called phantom core (phantom core). Your task is to save the cores of the citizens of Moebius – an orbital city that has become a death trap.

A machine as nimble and fatal as the Doom Slayer

Why the comparison to Doom? Hyper units are not only efficient killer machines – they are also very acrobatic. In the trailer for Metal Eden, the protagonist is similarly bloody, but even nimble on the road when the Doom Slayer was in Doom Eternal.

Aska can skillfully avoid attacks and run along walls. In addition, she has a gripping hook with which she can pull herself up on edges and a jet pack. So she masters every parkour insert and quickly closes the gap between herself and her opponents.

Aska allows an ability to tear out the kernels of robotic enemies. These can then be used as grenades, for example, which also gives you ammunition. This is also reminiscent of Doom Eternal, in which opponents drop depending on the finish healing or ammunition.

When does the game appear? Metal Eden is scheduled for the PC on Steam as well as for the PS5 and Xbox Series X | s on May 6, 2025. With a release in early May, the game appears just a few days before Doom: The Dark Ages, which should probably be the greatest competition for the shooter.

If you are above all a fan of the fast gameplay in Doom Eternal, then you may be better off at Metal Eden. The new Doom should feel very different from the pace, say the developers. You can read more about this here: In Doom Eternal, your Slayer was quick and nimble like a fighter jet – in the new Doom you are massive like a tank
