A new robot dog was born: Unitree B2 [Video]

Options continue to increase in the robot world. Notable in the field today robot dog quadruped in the class Unitree B2 is happening.

chinese company Unitree developed by Unitree B2, As the name indicates Unitree B1 and naturally offers higher performance. B2, one of the competitors against Spot by Boston Dynamic, is an option designed for applications such as industrial automation, inspection, emergency rescue and security patrol, as well as robotic system training and research. Equipped with two HD cameras, two depth-sensing cameras and a LiDAR module to perceive its environment, the robot can autonomously navigate rough terrain as well as normal roads (This includes stairs, as you can see in the video below). The model, which is declared to be able to travel at a maximum speed of 21 km/h, can pass over objects 40 cm high and can carry a load of 40 kg in motion and 120 kg in a stationary position. B2’s leg joint actuators, which are reported to be able to walk for five hours with its internal 45-Ah/2,250-Wh lithium battery, thus leaving B1 behind by 3 hours. Brings 170 percent more torque (360 Nm) than those of the B1, which directly affects performance. No price information is shared for now for the remarkable robot dog, but the price-performance ratio is expected to be much higher than Spot.


Previously developed by the Korea Advanced Science and Technology Institute in the field, robot dog The model’s 100-meter running record made a splash. researchers HOUND named after 45kg weighing robot dog, average 100 meters At 18.12 km/h run Completed in 19.87 seconds. As the fastest four-legged robot to run 100 meters Guinness World Record HOUND, which entered the records, is designed specifically for high-speed movement and can move not only on smooth but also on rough roads or sloping terrain. Regarding the broken record, “HOUND is still well behind the 100 meter world record of 9.58 seconds set by Usain Bolt in 2009.” information is reminded, while other robots also focus on high speed.

For example MIT Mini Cheetah The robot dog model has been on the table for a long time, and it last appeared before us with a record. MIT Biomimetic Robotics Laboratory The robot prepared by It has been making a name for itself as a testing platform for years. The robot that got its mini jewelry because it has a really small body, especially can do backflips It stood out seriously. Continuing to work on this robot MYTHsometime With a flock of mini Cheetahs It also made a splash.

Finally, the robot that could previously run at a speed of 8 km/h 14km/h It was announced that the speed was reached. The robot, which broke its own record with this speed, uses a special infrastructure here and He attracted attention by teaching himself to accelerate to 14 km/h.. Powered by a special software infrastructure that works on the basis of artificial intelligence, the robot has determined the best way to reach high speed and many experiments have been carried out for this purpose.

According to the researchers, thanks to this system established Mini Cheetah In addition to running fast, it can also improve walking performance on difficult surfaces. Its independent mobility is constantly increasing, but it can also be managed with a controller if desired. Cheetah, It has the ability to jump and can physically balance by sensing impacts from the environment. Able to stand up on his own when he falls Cheetah, It can also make a soft landing when thrown from a height.
