A new pictogram is coming to these two everyday devices in 2025, it’s better to know it

A new pictogram is coming to these two everyday devices

Following a new law that will come into force in a few months, two products widely used in homes will have to be provided with a new pictogram, which could save you money.

Our devices are constantly evolving. That is why there are organizations responsible for constantly analyzing them and checking that these devices are in order. Among the data to be respected in France, we find the durability index. The latter allows us to know – generally before purchase – the overall lifespan of a device based on several manufacturing data.

In France, the durability index is quite recent. The latter was introduced in 2021 to replace the old so-called repairability index. This now makes it possible to know whether a product is easily repairable over time, but also to know whether it can last and be used for a long time. This new index will come into force by January 2025 following the introduction of the Agec law.

As of January 1st next year, two devices will be affected by this new index: televisions and washing machines. These two devices will therefore be subject to a new obligation, that of displaying a pictogram. The latter more or less takes up the codes of the nutri-score that display our foods in stores with color codes ranging from green to red. This pictogram will therefore make it possible to know if a device has a very good or a very bad sustainability index.

A new system of pictograms has been unveiled by the ministry’s website. © Ministry of Ecological Transition

“The mandatory display of a sustainability index is established by Article 16-II of Law No. 2020-105 of February 10, 2020 relating to the fight against waste and for the circular economy, for electrical and electronic products. By displaying a score out of 10, this index informs consumers about the more or less sustainable nature of the products concerned. Initially, it concerns washing machines and televisions,” indicates the Ministry of Ecological Transition, which revealed the said pictogram on its website.

Other equipment will subsequently be affected. The second wave of devices that must comply with the sustainability index includes vacuum cleaners, electric lawn mowers, dishwashers and high-pressure cleaners.

This index is therefore very important and should be taken into account the next time you buy a television or a washing machine from January 2025. Equipment with a red durability index would therefore be more difficult to repair or maintain over time! You could therefore think you are getting a good deal on the spot, and end up with a TV or a washing machine that is out of order after only a few months. So be very careful in the future…
