A new item makes you really powerful in ESO

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With the High Isle update, the developers of The Elder Scrolls Online brought the Oakensoul Ring to the game. PvE fans are happy about the useful buffs, while PvP players complain that the ring is too strong and you don’t have a chance without it.

What is this item? It’s a Mythic item that all players have been wanting since the High Isle update. The Eichensoulring (English: Oakensoul Ring) is ideal for solo PvE, as it provides you with valuable buffs.

To craft the ring, you must collect a total of 5 traces. Then the coveted ring will automatically appear in your inventory and you can put it on. However, it cannot be combined.

These are the effects of the Oak Soul Ring:

  • Major Frenzy – Increases damage dealt by 10%
  • greater courage – increases weapon and magic damage by 430
  • Major Brutality / Sorcery – Increases Weapon and Magic Power by 20%
  • Greater Ferocity – Increases critical weapon hit
  • Greater Power – increases critical damage by 20%
  • major protection – reduces damage taken by 10%
  • Greater Resolve – Increases Physical Resistance and Magic Resistance by 5948
  • Major Heroism – grants 3 Ultimate every 1.5 seconds
  • Minor Prowess – increases life regeneration by 15%
  • smaller intellect – increases magicka regeneration by 15%
  • Minor Endurance – increases stamina regeneration by 15%
  • Since almost all players want to own the oak soul ring, farming has looked very chaotic since the update.

    Here you can watch the trailer of the new update High Isle:

    New gameplay trailer celebrates the release of ESO High Isle on PS5, PS4, and Xbox

    The item ruins PvP gameplay for some players

    Wearing the Oaken Soul Ring in PvP does not automatically make you a god, but you are still stronger. With the ring you are very resistant, quick, have high crit values ​​and cause enormous amounts of damage. Players without a ring are clearly at a disadvantage.

    Some classes are now more difficult to play in PvP because enemies deal too much damage through the ring and they are constantly down. That’s how it is with the necromancer.

    That’s why many players are dissatisfied and wish that the ring would be made weaker in the next update or disabled in PvP. This is what the reddit community says:

  • redlink1979: “Guys in PvP with the buffs of a raid team…all said.”
  • AngryAmour: “Disable the ring in PvP, but leave everything else.”
  • Fhritz_: “Some of the buffs need to be disabled in PvP. You are far too strong.”
  • Shuck-Lee: The ring is good for PvE, but disables it for PvP. It makes the worst builds relevant no matter what other sets are worn.”
  • The community also discusses the fact that fights with the ring on are too easy. Some find the gameplay too boring because they hardly have to do anything anymore.

    PvE fans love the ring

    Players who focus on PvE take the Oaken Soul Ring much better. Here, too, some are bored, but most are enthusiastic.

    Users with physical disabilities are particularly pleased that they no longer have to press as many keys. Gameplay is now easier for them.

  • RockWhisperer42 explains his situation: “I have multiple sclerosis, which in turn affects my coordination from the brain at hand. Switching between bars and getting a rotation was tough for me. The ring allows me to draw 48k with my magplar. […] I am very happy that it exists now.”
  • blindpandacup is also relieved: “I almost only play solo and my hand often hurts because of my arthritis. For me, this ring is a gift from God.”
  • bajur says, “It makes the game more accessible for people with disabilities.”
  • Even players without physical disabilities are happy about the oak soul ring in PvE. With him it is easier for them to master difficult bosses. What PvE fans say:

  • HickRarrison says, “Honestly, the ring eliminates some of the issues I have in combat at ESO. The constant buffing and weapon switching gets tiring after a while.”
  • Colest says, “The ring’s popularity suggests that players don’t find it too fun to retrigger 3-5 buffs every 20 seconds.”
  • GradeTimely says: “I really hope they don’t degrade the ring. Then they lose an ESO+ member.”
  • What is your opinion on the oak soul ring? Do you use it, are you farming it or do you prefer not to? Do you play more PvE or PvP in ESO? Is the item too strong? Write it to us in the comments here on MeinMMO!

    Here you can read how ESO became one of the most popular MMORPGs.
