A new invoice arrives for the owners: it is compulsory and some have already received it

A new invoice arrives for the owners it is compulsory

A good number of owners will have to go to the checkout in the coming months.

Housing can sometimes be seen as an endless financial well for owners. Credit of credit, co -ownership charges, property tax … not to mention, of course, the maintenance of his home. The invoice figures quickly and, each year, it increases, inexorably, to the rhythm of the inflation of everyday prices. And it’s not over! A new invoice, compulsory, will force the owners to put, once again, the hand to the wallet. Or at least, co -owners.

Indeed, only property holders in buildings or on land comprising several houses are affected by this next checkout. The owners of an individual house are, for their part, completely exempt. For the co-owners, a new invoice will arrive and promises to tense the spirits somewhat during the feared assemblies of co-ownership which often punctuate the beginning of spring.


If charges are paid throughout the year, in particular to finance work in the building, the State now requires many condominiums to take stock of their building. And obviously, the note is the responsibility of the co -owners. Two different evaluations of the structure must be carried out: an energy performance diagnosis (DPE) to find out the level of insulation and energy consumption of the building, and a multi -year work plan (PPT) in order to know the work to be initiated to improve the level of insulation and energy consumption of the building. The first is compulsory in all condominiums whose building permit was deposited before January 1, 2013. The second becomes so gradually, on the following dates:

  • From the 1ster January 2023 for condominiums of more than 200 lots
  • From the 1ster January 2024 for condominiums between 51 and 200 lots
  • and now since 1er January 2025 for condominiums from 1 to 50 lots

These evaluations require the intervention and, therefore, the remuneration of professionals in this area. And it can quickly quantify. For a DPE, it takes between 1,000 and 5,000 euros, depending on the size of the building, while a PPT is between 5,000 and 15,000 euros, there too with variations depending on the extent of the work to be done. Generally, this returns around 150 euros per owner.

This invoice is only to be paid if the co -owners decided, during a general meeting, to have these diagnoses made. It is also they who choose the method of regulation: either by an increase in charges on one or more quarters depending on the note, or by drawing from the works fund available … that will have to be re -alimated. Anyway, it will therefore be necessary to make a new check. And this, when there is no legal obligation to immediately carry out the recommended work …
