A new high-speed train connection opens between Berlin and Paris | News in brief

A new high speed train connection opens between Berlin and Paris

From December, you can travel between Berlin and Paris by train even faster.

An even faster direct train connection between the French capital Paris and the German capital Berlin will open in December, Deutsche Bahn and the French SNCF inform. This is the first direct connection between the capitals.

The eight-hour connection runs between the cities during the day. The previous connection lasted about nine hours and included two to three exchanges. Ticket prices start at around 60 euros.

The train runs between the main railway stations of the cities via Strasbourg, Karlsruhe and Frankfurt.

The train companies hope that the trip will attract people who have previously used an airplane to travel.

It was time for the connection to start operating earlier, but it is late. In addition, the travel time of the connection is an hour longer than originally planned.
