A new game for €10 even manages the ultra-tough German LoL pro, as a clip on Twitch proves

Niklot “Tolkin” Stüber is considered one of the toughest German professionals in League of Legends, with nerves of steel. The 25-year-old also has a Twitch channel where he mostly shows LoL, but not always. Now he’s discovered a new game that’s available on Steam for €10 and he’s gritting his teeth. Also Trymacs and Papaplatte despair at “Only Up!”.

What kind of game is this?

  • Only Up! was released on Steam on May 24th, 2023. It costs 10 €. The game has only 64% positive ratings on Steam. In the reviews it is criticized for bugs and for the fact that above all NFT clothes are to be sold.
  • It is similar to “Jump King” or “Getting over it” a puzzle with a high chance of frustrating the player.
  • The player must constantly move upwards with jumps. His goal is to reach the top of the world. If he makes a mistake, he falls and has to scramble up again.
  • Here’s a trailer for Only Up!:

    Only UP! – Official game trailer

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    Who is failing? Tolkin (25) is a former LoL professional who didn’t quite make it into the LEC super league, but dominated the German regional league “Prime League”.

    In 2022 he was actually already in professional retirement and had started a “normal job”, but then played so well with a team of “LoL: pensioners” that he managed to get promoted to the 1st league. But then he couldn’t play there because the rules of Riot couldn’t be reconciled with his stream.

    There was a fantastic move by Tolkin back then, when his team had actually already lost, with which he turned things around again and ultimately won the series.

    After donating €140, Tolkin wants to make his viewers proud

    Here’s how Tolkin fails at Only Up!: The streamer seems to be in a good mood. 50 subs just came in as a donation, so around 140 €, which he now wanted to reward with a particularly great jump.

    So Tolkin calls out, “Ben, I make you proud. Ben, are you watching? Ben, are you focused?”

    Of course he messes up the jump, bouncing off everywhere as he falls and growing desperate as he continues to yell “Ben” and grapple with his fate.

    In the end it’s kind of Ben’s fault. This is the most popular clip of Only Up in Germany in the last week.

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    Trymacs and Papaplatte are also trying their hand at the new game Only Up!

    Those who enjoy the sorrow of Trymacs, who is “taken by the hand of God,” will find it here:

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    If you want to see Papaplatte convince himself that a fall isn’t that bad, you can get your dose here:

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