A new cat law is introduced here – prohibiting free breeding

A new cat law is introduced here prohibiting free

At the turn of the year, a number of new laws and regulations were introduced in Sweden, including one that gives security guards more powers and one that means that electric scooters must be insured.

Here are the new laws that came into effect in 2024

Finland introduces new cat law

And Sweden is not the only country where a new year means new laws. In Finland, a new law has been introduced to prohibit uncontrolled breeding of cats, reports EPN.

This must be done by cat owners sterilizing, neutering or monitoring the animals, so that the number of wild cats in the country decreases.

New dog law comes into force in 2024 – affects 260 owners in Sweden

Photo: Martina Holmberg/TT

Here is the new cat law – strict requirements apply throughout Europe

The new law also means that veterinarians as well as the police are allowed to intervene against cat owners who do not comply with the new regulations and in extreme cases they can even take care of cats.

Animal protection organization wants to see tougher measures

According to Howl the Finnish animal welfare organization SEY wants to see even tougher measures in the form of, for example, a ban on cats that are not neutered or sterilized being allowed outside.

In addition to this, they want to see a cat register, similar to the one that exists in Sweden since the beginning of 2023.

Here are the cats that are NOT covered by the cat law
