A new call-focused mute feature is coming for WhatsApp

Status focused voice memo step is being taken for WhatsApp

Popular service that remains the largest in the field WhatsApp A new call-focused mute feature for is coming.

WhatsApp, currently on Android “mute or mute incoming calls from unknown numbers” Working on the feature. The feature, which is especially nice for people who do not want to be constantly disturbed by numbers seen in large communities, will mute calls from unregistered numbers, but people will still be able to see which numbers they’ve been called from. These data are normallyspacingIt will be in the ” section. The roof company that will put the muting process in the settings, that is, leave the choice to the person. Meta, It will most likely activate the feature for everyone in 1-2 months and bring it to iOS. WhatsApp Numerous new features are currently being developed for For example, one of the recently appeared “Newsletter” had happened. When this feature comes out, it will be an option that people can use directly to publish different information. With this feature, last-minute updates or useful information about local issues, sports teams or organizations can be easily transferred to followers.


In addition, the firm has been on the table for a long time. continues to keep the message editing feature on the table. The feature, which started to be tested on Android last year, is now being tested on beta versions released by iOS. In this respect, the possibility, which seems to be coming soon, will be very useful because in this way, minor errors can be corrected in a short time without the need to delete the message. really late on this one WhatsAppIt is still not known exactly when the regulation infrastructure will be put into use, but it is not expected to pass 2023.
