Thousands of French people could be affected by this payment.
Many retirees are stunned. The 1er January 2025, the basic retirement pension of these 15 million French people should not increase. The payment made by the National Old Age Insurance Fund (CNAV) will not be higher than the previous month. The usual increase for the transition to the new year will not normally take place and will be postponed until July 1st. Without catching up. For the government, it is about making savings in spending.
However, faced with the outcry caused by such an announcement, Michel Barnier was forced to revise his copy…. The system of a new bonus for the elderly would thus be under study. The terms have already started to leak.
Originally, the Prime Minister planned not to increase on 1er January basic pensions, the level of inflation of the past year. However, this is what has happened every year since 2019. It was planned that only beneficiaries of the elderly solidarity allowance (ASPA) and the minimum old age allowances (ASV) would see their amount be increased. ‘around 1.8%.
The revolt of the left, the right and the RN against the freezing of basic pensions, particularly the lowest, has however led to new reflection. If it is impossible, by the 1ster January, to implement a system where only certain pensions would be increased according to their amount, another idea would therefore be put on the table according to Les Echos.
The Prime Minister would consider setting up an exceptional bonus for retirees with the lowest incomes. This would arrive in a few months as compensation, before the planned revaluation of 1er July. According to the daily, retirees receiving up to 1,300 euros gross per month (basic and supplementary combined) would be eligible.
On the other hand, the amount of the bonus was not leaked. Will it be the same for everyone or adapted to the retirement amount? That’s the whole question. For a maximum amount of 780 euros gross for the basic pension, catching up for the first six months of the year could correspond to a bonus of 85 euros. But the option of a similar payment to all would be simpler to implement.
It remains to be seen whether the option will go through to the end. Michel Barnier has not spoken publicly on the subject and, in a permanent quest for savings, the head of government could find it difficult to let go of the planned savings. Regardless, the matter should be resolved in the coming days.