A new attack targeting soldiers took place in the north of the country

A new attack targeting soldiers took place in the north

An attack took place in northern Togo last weekend. It took place near the border with Burkina Faso and was claimed by the group supporting Islam and Muslims (JNIM). It was a position of the Togolese defense and security forces that was targeted. No communication from the Togolese authorities, so far. In a statement, Niger offered its condolences.

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In his message of condolences read on Niger television, the head of the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Fatherland (CNSP), General Tiani, speaks of loss of human life and significant material damage, without further details. This, after a terrorist attack that targeted the Togolese defense and security forces on Saturday, July 20.

For more than 24 hours, information has been circulating on social networks. It mentions an attack on an advanced post of the Togolese army in Kpekpakandi, in the Savanes region, in the north of Togonear the border with the Burkina FasoPhotos show military vehicles riddled with bullets and the bodies of soldiers lying on the ground.

JNIM Claim

The JNIM, the support group for Islam and Muslimsclaimed responsibility for the attack. No comment from the Togolese authorities. On social networks, Togolese people are expressing their concern and posting messages of support for the defense and security forces.

This is not the first time that this area has been attacked. Two years ago, a military post was already targeted by armed men in Kpekpakandi, in the canton of Kandjouaré, still on the border with Burkina Faso.

Read alsoTogo: at least eight soldiers killed in attack in the north of the country
