A nasty infection has disrupted sprinter Samuli Samuelsson’s preparation for the European Championships | Sport

A nasty infection has disrupted sprinter Samuli Samuelssons preparation for

Samuelsson has competed for the last time three months ago in the World Indoor Championships. According to coach Mikael Ylöstalo, the heel problem has now been resolved.

11:41am•Updated 12:31pm

A sprinter Samuli Samuelsson hasn’t been seen on the racetracks since March’s World Indoor Championships in Glasgow. Samuelsson finished fourth in the 60 meter heat with a time of 6.72 and did not make it to the semi-finals. Earlier in the spring, he was selected for the Finnish European Championship team.

– Samul has had an infection in the mucus sac in the heel area, which has prevented him from running at a fast pace, Samuelsson’s coach Mikael Ylöstalo confirms to Urheilu.

According to Ylöstalo, the heel started showing symptoms between April and May, which is why hard-hitting exercises had to be stopped for a couple of weeks.

– Samuli hasn’t been competing either, because we didn’t want to irritate the leg.

Now Samuelsson is back to spike training and there is no more pain in the heel. He is supposed to compete in the summer European Championships in Rome.

– Now we have to do a few exercises and see the situation after that. Samuli is otherwise in good shape.

In terms of goals, the coach is cautiously optimistic.

– After a situation like this, it’s a mystery how good Samuli is. I don’t see an obstacle that he can’t run well. Little is the place of excitement.

The competition season is supposed to continue normally after the European Championships.

– We go one practice at a time. Let’s see if the run starts working.
