a music festival in tribute to veteran Hilarion Nguema

a music festival in tribute to veteran Hilarion Nguema

June 21 each year marks the celebration of the Fête de la Musique. In Gabon, as a prelude to this day, the private Saint-Exupéry University organized a conference on Monday June 20 on the music and career of a veteran of Gabonese and even African music, Hilarion Nguema.

With our correspondent in Libreville, Yves Laurent Goma

Aged 80, he is considered one of the patriarchs of music in Gabon. Several times announced for death, the artist was present at this ceremony in his honor, to commune with the students. These students who applaud and who were not yet born when Hilarion Nguema was in the firmament of African music, between the 1960s and 1990s. In 2007, he released one of his most famous titles When the wife gets mad : “ When the woman gets mad, the secret is out, if you’re a liar, she’ll tell “.

During the conference organized in his honor, eleven titles by the artist were broadcast. This is the case of his song on AIDS: ” My French doctor told me: Be careful, my dear Hilarion, because today there is a disease on Earth called AIDS. “.

Main organizer of the meeting, Raymond Mayer expressed his pride in celebrating the music festival with this monument: “ Some said he was dead, not at all, he is still in the visible world and so we said, we will start with Hilarion! »

The students came out of there won over: “ It was really a great experience”. “We discovered songs from the past “.
