A mushroom extract effective against papillomavirus infections?

A mushroom extract effective against papillomavirus infections

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Odile Bagot (Gynecologist-obstetrician)

    According to a recent study, supplementation with a mushroom extract could treat persistent papillomavirus infections. Encouraging preliminary results knowing that these infections are the cause of several types of cancer.

    American scientists have evaluated the effectiveness of a mushroom extract, called AHCC, on human papillomavirus infections.

    This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase two study (neither the patient nor the prescriber knows if they are receiving an active compound or an inactive compound).

    This work brought together around fifty women over the age of 30 with at least a two-year history of persistent high-risk HPV. They were divided into two groups:

    • Patients in the treatment group received the AHCC supplement for six months, followed by six months of a placebo;
    • Patients in the placebo group received a placebo for 12 months.

    The study found that 14 of 22 patients (63.6%) in the treatment group became HPV negative.

    “Efficient” daily use

    The researchers admit to being enthusiastic: “Our results show that AHCC supplementation can help most patients clear their HPV infection and may reduce the long-term risk of HPV-related cancers.” says Judith A. Smith, the study’s principal investigator and professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston. “Through this study, along with many other studies, our research has shown that the AHCC supplement is safe.”.

    A study with limited scope

    The author of the study also explains that “we have no effective treatment for persistent HPV infections other than watchful waiting. Although AHCC supplementation may not help everyone, it is readily available today for patients to ask their clinicians to use to support their immune system in clearing persistent HPV infections.”.

    For Dr. Odile Bagot, obstetrician-gynecologist and member of the Doctissimo expert committee, “We cannot draw hasty conclusions about this product. The starting group is weak and in many cases, even when it is a persistent infection, the patient can heal spontaneously and naturally.”

    Consult an oncologist online

    The papillomavirus, vector of cancers

    It is the host that determines the situation with the papillomavirus” recalls Odile Bagot. In fact, the papillomavirus is a virus that is found naturally in 85% of young women aged 18 to 25. It is naturally eliminated in 90% of cases. In the remaining 10%, the infection becomes persistent. It is in these cases that cell dysplasia can occur, before generating cancer of the cervix.

    Remember that HPV is “almost in 100% of cases the cause of cervical cancer“as Public Health France indicates on its website. It is estimated that 3,000 women declare the disease each year.
