a movie is in preparation, John Carpenter leaked the info by

a movie is in preparation John Carpenter leaked the info

If video games and cinema have always sniffed each other, it has now been 2/3 years since the love that binds the two mediums exploded. Between Sony, which launched the adaptation of its most prestigious licenses (Uncharted, The Last of Us, Gran Turismo, Horizon, God of War), Xbox, which launched the Halo TV series this year, and Nintendo, which is also getting started with Super Mario Bros, the video game is now an incredible financial windfall, just like superhero movies for over 15 years. Precisely, in a few days, a certain Dead Space Remake will be released on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series, and it seems that a film is in preparation on the Hollywood side. It was director John Carpenter, master of horror with films such as Halloween, Christine, The Village of the Damned, The Thing, who leaked the information. Last October, the 75-year-old filmmaker had let it be known that he would be ready to direct the film Dead Space, he who loves the Electronic Arts game and whose themes resemble him. A wish that he would have liked to realize, but which seems to slip from his hands. In effect, in a recent interview with VarietyJohn Carpenter explained that the film is well and truly underway, but that he was not selected to direct it.

Variety: You recently talked about making a “Dead Space” movie. Is there any movement on that?

John Carpenter: No no no. I can’t believe how this spread. I’m a big fan of video games, so I’ve played all the games. I was looking at the new digital cameras, the RED, and I mentioned to them that I would like to do a “Dead Space” movie. It just went around, and everybody said, “Oh, when are you going to do it?” I won’t. I think they already have another director involved. And they didn’t ask me to do it. So until someone asks me, I won’t. But there’s a new version of the “Dead Space” video game coming out in January, and here I am.

We imagine that if John Carpenter decided to leak this information, it was out of resentment, the latter not having been selected to work on it, whereas he was the first to make his desire to adapt it known. on the big screen. It remains to be seen who is currently working on it. Is Electronic Arts also involved in the creative process, to ensure a certain guarantee of quality? Lots of questions that should be answered soon.
