While monitoring her children on the baby monitor, this mother witnessed an unexpected exchange between the brothers and sisters.
The baby monitor is ideal for ensuring that young children sleep. This allows you to know if the little ones are calm and doing well, without needing to be right next to them. From time to time, parents can also overhear funny actions from their offspring, especially when the baby monitor is equipped with a camera. This is the case of Liza Lieberman. This 34-year-old mother living in the United States overheard a conversation between her two children which upset her. She recorded it on the baby monitor to show her husband.
That evening, her two-year-old daughter, Kaia, had asked that her big brother, Sloan, stay with her while she went to sleep. The two children therefore found themselves together in the cradle. “They were always kind to each other, but also like ordinary siblings who snatch toys from each other’s hands,” the mother told Newsweek, regarding the relationship between his children.

In the video, after putting his hand on his sister’s face, Sloan asks her if she wants to be his best friend. The latter responds positively immediately. Her big brother then gives her some advice to “be a big girl”: “Don’t cry, don’t pull your hair, don’t shout and tell the truth to mom, don’t lie.” He then tricks his sister into falling asleep. A cute message, although a little scary, the eldest having clearly understood the parents’ orders.
Some will also see a form of policing and moralism that can be confusing, but we will undoubtedly remember above all the goodwill that emerges from the exchange. The mother was in any case touched by this moment and she is also very proud of this exchange. She shared the recording on her account Instagram with the caption: “My favorite moment as a mother happened tonight.” The video was a great success with millions of views and more than 380,000 likes.
“Seeing this all happen in a natural environment, without any parental influence, made me feel that all our efforts had paid off,” she writes. And Liza Lieberman is all the more upset because with her husband, they are only children and only have “half-brothers and sisters at least 16 years” older than them. It is therefore a “dream” for these parents to see their little ones establish such a fraternal relationship.