Health Minister Catherine Vautrin inaugurated a mobile hospital on Saturday, July 27, a stone’s throw from the Champs-Élysées, which will allow patients to be treated during the Olympic Games, including in the event of an exceptional health situation. Unfolded from a container, the white metal structure lines up six boxes, perched on blocks, about fifty meters from the Champs-Élysées roundabout. It offers a completely autonomous solution for treating both a spectator’s minor illness and the emergency of resuscitation. Inside, the succession of air-conditioned boxes can accommodate up to three patients in absolute emergency, with two resuscitation boxes, and five patients in relative emergency. A battalion of ambulances from the Samu and Smur, some of which come from the provinces, are parked outside to then transport patients to Parisian hospitals if necessary.
a mobile hospital positioned in the heart of Paris