A member of parliament of African origin, who has been targeted by racism, resigns from his position in Germany | News in brief

According to Karamba Diaby, the rise of the extreme right made the atmosphere aggressive in the German Bundestag.

The first MP born in Africa to join the German parliament, i.e. the Bundestag Damn Diaby will no longer run for office in next year’s elections.

62-year-old Dieby, who represents the Social Democrats, has been the target of violent, racist harassment in recent weeks. He has received a lot of hate mail, which has included racist insults and death threats, he says Guardian magazine.

Diaby says that the insults are not the main reason for his resignation, but according to those close to him, they have had an effect.

In his interview, Diaby says that the atmosphere in the German Bundestag clearly changed in 2017, when the far-right Alternative for Germany party won the election. According to Diaby, aggressive and degrading speech began to be heard in the Bundestag after this.
