Solo players are annoyed in Path of Exile 2 because they are difficult to progress in the endgame alone. The reason for this is a missing system.
What disturbs the soloists? In Path of Exile 2, players in the endgame not only spend time to do monsters, but also when trading with other adventurers. However, if you want to stay completely for yourself and do not want to interact with other players, you have to experience and crafty your equipment.
This is currently a big problem. In Path of Exile 2, there is a lack of a crafting system that enables players to improve items that are regularly found themselves in such a way that they become an upgrade for the character.
Specifically, an item that naturally has good values is needed, so that the craft is worthwhile. If you are lucky and find an object with good values, you use an “Orb of Augmentation” to conjure up another random modifier on the item. A lot can go wrong here.
Once this step is done, the same game follows again with a “shelf orb” and an “exalted orb”. With all 3 enchants, miserable values can occur that make the item unusable.
There are other crafting items in POE2, but these are so rare that you can hardly use them to improve your own equipment. So you need good luck with crafting to achieve a good result with the crafting items based on happiness. Hardly any progress is possible, which tortures the solo player.
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Frustration among the players
How does the current system arrive among the players? Both the solo players and those who are not averse to action do not like the current system. There are items like the “Omen of Whittling”, but these are so rare that you prefer to sell them instead of using them yourself.
This is also the opinion of Pace9247. He writes on Reddit: “You should increase the amount of essences and omen who fall.” The user Ben-182 agrees with Reddit: “I am approaching the 200-hour brand and I have exactly 1 larger essence and 3 omen found that are worth nothing. “
The user fan_is_ready explains on Reddit as from 50 rings, also 0 usable: “Collect 50 rings from Alva, filtere 40 rings with bad mods. Use orb of augmentation, 5 rings filter away with bad mods. Apply the shelf orb, filtere 3 rings with bad mods away. Apply exalted orb, filter 2 rings away with bad mods. ”In the end there is no ring left.
How could you solve the problem? The solution seems to be obvious for the players. The already existing crafting materials, which are not so much based on happiness, could continue to be added. However, higher drops would be more important for many. Sirbenny also makes this proposal on Reddit:
What bothers me is that the whole omen, chaos etc. would really be fun … if these resources literally drop 100 times as often.
Maybe that’s unrealistic, but I want to be able to play 10 hours a week and get a few craft objects in every game session. Instead, it feels as if you had to play the game for a whole weeks as if it were the job and then hold your breath while you specifically manufacture a single item.
Sirbenny on Reddit
Because the crafting system in Path of Exile 2 is currently not working as the players would like, many of them switch to the trade with other players. But he has his own problems and weaknesses, as the players find: Path of Exile 2 scares his new players because of a lack of features