a market that is regaining color – L’Express

a market that is regaining color – LExpress

If any sector is in good spirits, it is that of automobile sales to professionals. Since the start of the year, it has continued to progress. And the indicators continue to remain green. Thus, the summer season was particularly successful with deliveries occurring at a good pace: + 35.7% in July, + 32.9% in August, leading to the arrival of more than 100,000 vehicles in garages. companies. Circumspective of the sustainability of this growth, observers were pleased to note a transformed test in September. Balm to the hearts of builders faced with the sluggishness of the household market. The reason for this improvement? The end of the product shortage, the arrival of new ranges and an enriched offering of rechargeable engines. Because undeniably, green propulsion drives growth upwards. Their orders recorded peaks: + 84.44% for 100% electric, + 46.98% for simple hybrids and + 35.65% for plug-in hybrids, during the first nine months of the year.

Electrification of the fleet presents numerous tax advantages

“Companies take into account the mobility orientation law. Even when they are not subject to quotas, they integrate more ecological models, notes Frank Marotte, CEO of Toyota France. In this regard, the hybrid emits 25% to 30% less CO2 than thermal energy.” The electrification of the fleet presents numerous tax advantages: exemption from usage tax – which replaces that on company vehicles -, ecological bonus, 50% reduction on employer charges for benefits in kind. Its advantages remain undeniable in use thanks to lower energy and maintenance costs.

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However, the transition still seems restrictive and expensive for some managers who are put off by the prices displayed in catalogs, the cost of deploying terminals, that of maintaining fleets and even employee training. “It involves consultation between different organizations: the financial director on the budget side, the real estate director for the location of the terminals, accounting in order to define the method of reimbursement to the employee who connects at home and, finally, human resources to find out if he lives in a house or a building”, summarizes Philippe Ambon, director of development at holson, a firm of fleet management experts, and president of aFleet, the association of independent managers.

Businesses’ favorite automobiles.

© / The Express

The planned end of diesel

If private firms, administrations and rental companies are more cautious than households in acquiring an electric car, they are clearly getting rid of their addiction to diesel. “The most striking element lies in the collapse of diesel penetration”, underlines AAA Data in a note for October 2023. The statistics organization specifies, however, that the situation differs for new utility vehicles purchased by fleets. This fuel is losing ground, certainly, while remaining largely dominant. A phenomenon which results from a double conjunction: a rather limited range of models, on the one hand; a necessary adequacy to operational imperatives which require specific power and autonomy, on the other hand. The new generation of batteries guaranteeing to travel more than 500 kilometers and an optimized recharge time could convince the most reluctant. As long as it remains affordable.
