A man was denied insurance money, gets jailed after shooting at an official’s home

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The house that was damaged belongs to the insurance official who signed the decision not to pay any money. The son in the house was alone at home when the villa in Tygelsjö outside Malmö was shelled. He woke up with a bang and when he looked out he saw that the family’s car was on fire. Downstairs were broken glass and bullets.

The 22-year-old perpetrator has denied any involvement, but Malmö District Court notes, among other things, the text message he sent to the insurance officer after the act, in which he demanded a change in the decision. Information on the phone also showed that he searched for the insurance officer’s residential address that night and that he was in the area when the villa was shot at.

He was sentenced to four years in prison for aggravated assault, attempted aggravated extortion and vandalism, which Kvällposten be the first to report. A 20-year-old friend of his, who was driving the car, is sentenced to six months in prison for aiding and abetting the extortion attempt.

The court finds that the insurance officer and his family have been subjected to very serious and offensive crime. Three family members are awarded approximately SEK 60,000 each in damages.
