It was shortly after two o’clock on the night of August 27 that witnesses heard an explosion and windows being smashed on Södergatan in central Helsingborg. The witnesses then saw a man limping out of the building after a few minutes and that he then tried to get rid of his clothes.
The defense’s theory is that the man set off an explosion where a pane of glass ended up on top of him. They believe he then went down to the basement to inspect the damage. When he used the lighter to light another explosion is said to have been triggered. Then the man was injured by a wall that fell on top of him.
Blood trails connect the man to the scene
The police reportedly found burnt pieces of paper, motor oil and a lighter in the basement. Traces of blood were found in the basement and investigated by the National Forensic Center linking the man to the scene. His injuries should also match those from an explosion.
The man denies any wrongdoing. He says that he barbecued the day before and that he must have got oil on his clothes by mistake. He says he was going to buy food after a late work shift and came walking on Södergatan, but that he got a glass pane in his head and doesn’t remember anything after that.
Sentenced to prison
The man is now sentenced to three years in prison for arson. He must also pay damages to five people and four insurance companies. The damages consist of the persons’ deductible and the insurance companies’ costs for the explosion, a total of SEK 48,635.
According to the property owners, it will cost over four million kroner to repair the damage.