A man is charged with the murder of the woman on Kungsholmen

A man is charged with the murder of the woman
Was denied help the day before the crime

Updated 19.48 | Published 18.40




fullscreen The man was captured on video on the subway. Photo: The police

The police found the 76-year-old dead in the apartment on Kungsholmen.

Now a 23-year-old man is charged with murder.

He allegedly entered her unlocked home and murdered her with a pot and knife.

Just one day earlier, the man was denied help at the addiction emergency in Stockholm.

In early October, the police were called to a 76-year-old woman’s apartment on Kungsholmen in central Stockholm. Her relatives had raised the alarm when they could not get hold of her.

When the police got there, the woman’s door was unlocked. Then they went straight into a murder scene.

On the living room floor, the woman lay dead in a pool of blood. Next to her was a broken flower pot and on a chair was a bloody knife and a sweater.

Was not admitted to the addiction emergency room – murdered a day later

A Willys bag with a pair of bloody jeans and socks was also found in a bin near the home. They also found medication with the woman’s name on it, some TV controls, a bloody ceramic shard and her home key.

Just a day later, the police discovered that someone had used the woman’s debit card. Among other things, they saw that the person used the card to pay for a taxi and an SL ticket.

The police looked up what times the card was used, where and what surveillance footage was available at the locations. A young man was captured on film both at the subway and in a taxi.


full screenHis shirt was found in the apartment next to the suspected murder weapon. Photo: The police

The man, who is 23 years old, was then sought out and arrested. It turned out that he had tried to enroll in the addiction emergency a day before the murder, but was refused and asked to go to his home municipality of Uppsala to get help there instead.

A day later, he was stopped by the police when he was behaving strangely and was suspected of being under the influence of drugs. After a few hours, however, he was released again from the prison.

Later that evening, he entered the woman’s apartment where he allegedly murdered her.

Just one day later, on October 9, he again applied to the addiction emergency, where he was then admitted.

Chose the apartment by chance

In the man’s medical records, it appears that he is homeless and has substance abuse problems.

However, why he entered the elderly woman’s apartment is unclear. They were not familiar with each other. In what emerges in the interrogation of the man, it seems rather to be a tragic coincidence that he entered her apartment that night.

In the interrogation, it also appears that the man is paranoid. The night he murdered the woman, he is said to have walked around Kungsholmen and tried to hide from people he thought were chasing him.


full screen The man is arrested by the police. Photo: The police

During his flight, he saw a gate being opened. He rushed in before it closed.

– So I looked at this gate to the building and thought that if someone goes in there, I can only go in after this person. And inside the building I can continue and hide. A person went in there and I tried to hurry after the person, says the 23-year-old.

He then hid in the stairwell, believing he was still being hunted. Then he states that “the feelings inside gave him advice on what to do”.

– I have to get into this apartment and hide there. So I went to the door and felt it. It wasn’t locked and then I opened it, meaning the door to the apartment, and went inside. And then I went into the kitchen and closed the door to the kitchen and put a chair behind the door, he says.

In the apartment, he then saw the 76-year-old woman. Believing that she was also chasing him, he attacked her with a knife he found in the apartment, he claims in interrogation.

– The only thought I got in my head was that this person is one of those people, and there I got the idea that if I hold this big knife, in my hand so to speak, then this person gets to see the knife and the person becomes scared, he continues.

Accused of murder

At the end of December, the 23-year-old was charged with the murder of the woman. In the indictment, the prosecutor demands that the man be deported if he is convicted.

The murder has left the woman’s relatives in mourning.

“She was loved and is very much missed,” a relative has previously told Aftonbladet.
