A 53-year-old man is accused of killing and dismembering a 23-year-old man in an apartment in Malmö.
In questioning with the police, the man says that tablets and heroin made him numb.
– There was no logic, he says.
In October, the trial against the 53-year-old man who is accused of dismembering a young man in his apartment in Malmö is expected to begin.
It was on November 29 that the man walked into the police station in Malmö and told them that he had killed and dismembered a 23-year-old man who had been reported missing over a month earlier.
The 53-year-old has admitted that he killed the man and dismembered the body, but claims that he killed the man with a knife in self-defense.
– I consider that it has been established that the accused man intentionally caused the plaintiff’s death and that there was no emergency situation or other exculpatory basis, prosecutor Tomas Olvmyr told TV4 Nyheterna earlier.
The words in questioning: “Be completely giddy”
In questioning with the police, the accused man states that he was under the influence of heroin and tablets when he dismembered the body after the murder.
– I had spent almost a year on heroin and tablets daily. I was completely giddy, says the man.
When the 53-year-old recounts the course of events in the apartment to the police, he often returns to the fact that he was under the influence.
– It was deeply tragically unfortunate that I hit him in the neck. Then I dismembered him. It was perhaps too much, but I was so lost on tablets, says the man.
The dismembered body: “Didn’t want to see it”
In the interrogations with the police, the 53-year-old also states that the intake of tablets and heroin for a long time made him numb – and that he cannot answer why he chose to dismember the man.
– There was no logic, he says.
– I had no plan.
As part of the investigation, the police have gone through the 53-year-old man’s mobile phone. There, material was found which, according to the investigator, shows that the man had “a tangible interest in violence, murder, executions and dismemberment of bodies”.