A magic brush that grows hair is a hit on TikTok – real or fake?

A magic brush that grows hair is a hit on

  • News
  • Posted on 05/11/2022 at 3:29 p.m.,

    Reading 2 mins.

    in collaboration with

    Dr. Marie Jourdan (Dermatologist)

    A new accessory stirs the web. This is a bristle brush that promises to “miraculously grow hair”. So, true or false ? Dr. Marie Jourdan, dermatologist, gives us her point of view.

    Brewer’s yeast, cream, hair care… Growing out your hair can be laborious. On TikTok, influencers have found an alternative to overpriced products: it’s a “miraculous” brush that costs 9.99 euros.

    A soft silicone bristle brush with miraculous properties

    The brush spotted on TikTok would visibly help hair growth. In addition to massaging the scalp, the accessory with silicone nubs would – according to influencers – exfoliate the skin, eliminate excess sebum and dandruff and apply hair care in depth .

    The brush would also boost the micro-circulation of the scalp “in the smallest vessels of the circulatory system: arterioles, venules, shunts and capillaries”indicates the Perimed site.

    Clearly, the brush would eliminate falling hair, activate hair regeneration and free the pores of all impurities: care, dead cells, sebum, pollution…

    Nevertheless – and despite these few positive points – she would in no way “regrow hair“according to Dr. Jourdan:

    This brush can promote hair growth like any other massage that activates circulation, but it will in no way cause bulbs to appear that no longer exist. At best, the brush may just slow hair loss.”.

    The dermatologist adds that a massage performed with the pulp of her fingers is just as effective. The “head down” position is also effective: it increases the vascularization of the scalp.

    Hair that no longer grows: the causes

    Over a lifetime, hair can “stagnate”. Different factors influence their growth. It’s about :

    • Stress;
    • From a pregnancy;
    • Treatments that weaken the hair (chemical treatments, straightening, perms);
    • Dietary deficiencies, especially vitamins (a good diet is a very important basis for displaying perfectly healthy hair);
    • From a tired scalp;
    • Hormonal abnormalities;
    • diseases, such as cancer.

    Once the causes have been identified, good daily habits allow you to regain a few centimeters quickly: brush your hair daily, avoid hot water in the shower, space out shampoos, adapt your diet, regularly cut the ends, make nourishing masks… find out more, discover our article “How to grow hair faster?”.

    10 natural remedies for hair loss

    10 natural remedies for hair loss

    Slide: 10 natural remedies for hair loss
