In League of Legends, patch 12.10 completely changed the balance. One champion is hit particularly hard: Ryze has by far the lowest win rate in League of Legends. Ryze is the worst champion in LoL: The mage is another 3.5% worse off than the other “loser champions” in MOBA.
How bad is Ryze doing right now? really bad. According to the stats site, Ryze has a 41.21% win rate (via in the above-platinum matches as of 10/12.
He only has a “positive” record against 4 other midlane champs at all: Corki, Annie, Gangplank, and Talon. Against these champions, players with Ryze won slightly more often than they lost. However, they lost 2 out of 3 games in the mid lane or more against champs like Malzahar, Fizz or Lux.
With a win rate of 41.21%, Ryze is in last place by a wide margin. There are only two other champs below 45%: ADC Aphelios and jungler Lee Sin.
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Ryze was considered an absolute loser in LoL a year ago
Why is Ryze looking so bad? Ryze has been struggling to gain a foothold in the League of Legends meta for months.
Ryze fans keep complaining in posts on reddit about the miserable condition their champion is in. The video “How bad is the worst champion in League of Legends?” (via youtube) was released a year ago.
There it was concluded: Ryze is a mixture of “Burst-Mage” and “DPS Mage”, but does not really fulfill either of the two roles in terms of the basic principle. He has to get close to the enemy and then finish them off with a “machine gun spam” of abilities. Also, its power scales with its mana.
Something about these ideas just doesn’t work.
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Either too little damage or dead too quickly
Why does the new patch make Ryze even worse? With the new patch, Ryze should now actually be able to take out “soft” targets with his skills within seconds. However, when deployed like this, he becomes an extremely soft target himself with no survivability.
If, on the other hand, he makes himself “tankier”, he can hardly do any damage that will help his team.
In SoloQ he really becomes a weak point, while in professional fights he can at least prepare flanks or strategic attacks on targets with his Ultimate, believes the US site dotesports.
The strongest champions in LoL aren’t exactly the most popular
Who is the strongest hero in LoL right now? The opposite of Ryze is Singed with a win rate of 56.61%. This puts him almost 2% ahead of the other “very strong heroes” Zilean and Tahm Kench. Both are just under 55% win rate.
These are all heroes who are already considered to be very “tanky” but can tear things up, especially with utility abilities. Where these 3 heroes are played relatively rarely. Singed, Tahm Kench and Zilean have appeared in around 4,000 to 6,600 games so far.
The most popular champs in LoL right now are the typical “fun champs” of SoloQ, Kai’Sa and Ezreal, both of whom look balanced with a win rate of around 49.4%. Both have already been seen in about 120,000 games over platinum with the 12.10 patch.
It will be interesting to see where Bel’Veth places itself on the list:
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