a lot of will, few announcements

a lot of will few announcements

The Versailles summit ended this Friday, March 11 in the afternoon. The 27 Heads of State and Government of the European Union met at the castle of the “Sun King”. A “Versailles declaration” was drawn up. Concerning energy independence, concerning investments in defence, the unity of the 27 is displayed, but the announcements remain vague.

There were a lot of agendas filled and future meetings scheduled, comments our special correspondent, Alexis Bedu. On the energy side: independence objective. The Twenty-Seven want to free themselves from Russian gas to have more capacity to act. In the coming weeks, they will present a proposal aimed at stopping this dependence on hydrocarbons from Russia by 2027.

But until then, it will be necessary to store, explains Ursula Von der Leyen, President of the European Commission. ” The European Union must define a new long-term guideline. This is why we have made proposals to replenish our gas stocks. From now on, our underground reservoirs will have to be 90% full by October 1 of each year. »

“Choose our partners and not depend on them”

Ensuring this energy independence, for Emmanuel Macron, is the only way to strengthen European sovereignty. ” If some could, a few years ago, see it as a slogan, for some, a French fantasy, everyone understands today that it is an imperative. We measure how much our food, our energy, our defense are also subjects of sovereignty. We want to choose our partners and not depend on them. »

Concerning Ukraine’s accession, many speeches of support, but few new facts. No early membership but a political rapprochement. The Twenty-Seven say it, the ” way to Europe is open to Ukraine “. A very insufficient support, moreover reacted President Volodimy Zelinsky.
