A lost baby elephant was guided back to its mother in India – see a video of the journey | Nature

A lost baby elephant was guided back to its mother

A baby elephant, barely half a year old, was returned to its family in southern India.

In southern India, an operation was carried out at the turn of the year, in which a baby elephant that had disappeared from its herd was returned to its mother’s blankets.

The caretakers of the wildlife park found a 4-5 month old baby elephant wandering on private lands in late December. The cub had been left behind by the pack and its own mother in the Anamalai Tiger Reserve in India.

Park employees caught the chick and started an operation to search for the herd, which also used drones.

The herd was found, and the journey began, where the baby elephant was transported, among other things, on a car platform and helped to cross the river.

After reaching the herd, the chick was washed and rolled in mud to hide human odors. Then the employees of the park were left to watch how the runaway managed to get back to their own people.

Drone photos later revealed a happy sight as the cub snuggled up next to its sleeping mother on a rock.

Source: Reuters
