a long-distance match between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron

a long distance match between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron

Several appointments at French and European level took place during the Council of Ministers on June 26, according to the newspaper. The worldA situation that Marine Le Pen denounced during an interview on France Inter on Tuesday July 2, accusing the head of state of wanting to place his men before the RN came to power.

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Among the appointments announced by The worlda new military governor of Paris, a chief of staff of the air force, a director of the European Union at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and three ambassadors. And at the European level, Emmanuel Macron announced that he wanted to appoint Thierry Breton as commissioner. Other appointments could still take place this week.

It’s a ” administrative coup “, Marine Le Pen did not mince her words to attack Emmanuel Macron. And for good reason, she hopes that, within a few days, the French will grant the National Rally a majority in the National Assembly and that Jordan Bardella be appointed Prime Minister.

Coolness and moderation »

The smell of power gives Marine Le Pen the desire to attack Emmanuel Macron. The elected representative of Hénin-Beaumont believes that if the president still appoints civil servants to key positions a few days before the election, it would be to anticipate the potential arrival of his protégé at Matignon and lock down the State, in order to ” to prevent Jordan Bardella from governing the country as he wishes “.

This is not her first attack on the president. A few days ago, Marine Le Pen had already estimated that His status as head of the armies was a ” honorary title »which had provoked the anger of the Élysée.

This time again, Emmanuel Macron did not want to let it go. The presidency of the Republic responded by stating: that being responsible requires composure and moderation “, and recalling that ” For 66 years, nominations have taken place every week “, as if the battle for cohabitation had already begun.

Read alsoLegislative elections in France: largely ahead in the first round, the RN now aims for an absolute majority
