A long debate on energy prices is expected at the Brussels summit – Prime Minister Marin: “I am open to all solutions”

A long debate on energy prices is expected at the

EU heads of state meeting in Brussels are looking for solutions to high energy prices. Several countries are demanding a price cap for energy. The proposal shares opinions.

BRUSSELS Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has pushed energy prices to record highs. There is great pressure to find an EU-level solution to the problem facing households.

– This is the main discussion of the meeting, ie how can we get out of Russian fossil energy, how will Europe make the necessary investments and how will we ensure that people and companies have enough energy next winter as well, Prime Minister Sanna Marin (sd.) commented before the day’s meeting.

According to Marin, it would be important for there to be an agreement between member states on how to tackle high prices.

– We now need common steps for the future of energy. Of course, we also understand that the Member States are in a slightly different position with regard to imported energy.

– I believe that we will also reach a common view on energy.

Finland has expressed reservations about the proposal of Spain and several other EU countries to intervene in the electricity market. There has also been a proposal for an energy price cap.

– We have some reservations about performances that would disrupt the market where we already have problems. But I am open to all solutions, including possible price caps, Marin says.

Marin thinks the idea of ​​joint purchases of natural gas is a good one. He believes that member states can work together to influence energy prices.

– We are a bigger player and we get a better market price and thus cheaper energy for people and companies.

The United States and the EU announced this morning that they had agreed to replace liquefied natural gas from Russia with US gas. According to President Biden, the United States will supply 15 billion cubic meters of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in addition to what has already been agreed.

According to Marin, it is important to find new energy suppliers that can help reduce imports from Russia.

– All these channels are watched.

The EU summit ends today.

You can discuss the topic on March 26th. until 11 p.m.
