A little of it hurts too! Misconceptions about vitamin D: There is a way to poisoning

A little of it hurts too Misconceptions about vitamin D

Vitamin D is very important for health. It is a very important vitamin for the cells of our body to function properly and to be healthy.

Most people do not get enough vitamin D, so supplements are often used. However, unconsciously used vitamin D supplements can rarely cause vitamin D poisoning. General Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Çetin Altunal gave information about the subject.


One of the most important roles of vitamin D is to help the calcium from the food we eat be absorbed from the intestines.

However, if your vitamin D level is high, the amount of calcium absorbed may also increase. Elevated blood calcium levels can cause dangerous side effects.

These side effects include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, dizziness, confusion, extreme thirst, and frequent urination.

nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite

Many of the side effects of excess vitamin D intake are due to increased calcium levels in the blood. However, these symptoms are not seen in everyone with high blood calcium. Side effects occur when the blood calcium level exceeds 12 mg/dl, usually due to excessive intake of vitamin D.

Stomachache, Constipation and Diarrhea

Stomach pain, constipation and diarrhea are often signs of food intolerance or irritable bowel syndrome. But it can also occur in vitamin D poisoning.


Vitamin D is very important for calcium absorption and bone metabolism. But taking too much vitamin D can reverse this process.

Although many findings of vitamin D poisoning are associated with an increase in blood calcium levels, it is said that vitamin K2 levels may decrease and related findings will occur.


Vitamin K2 keeps calcium out of the blood by keeping calcium in the bones. It is thought that excessive levels of vitamin D may reduce the effectiveness of vitamin K2. Grass-fed meat and milk are also rich in vitamin K2. These foods can be consumed or vitamin K2 supplements can be taken to protect the bones.


Excessive intake of vitamin D can often cause kidney damage. Studies have reported moderate or severe kidney damage in people with vitamin D toxicity.

Please do not use vitamin D uncontrolled. Do not forget that the excess of this vitamin stored in the body can be quite dangerous. It will be an appropriate approach to use vitamin D in the follow-up and at the levels recommended by your doctor.
