A little girl “covered in bruises” died in Eure, her parents in police custody

A little girl covered in bruises died in Eure her

A 3-year-old girl was found in cardio-respiratory arrest at her parents’ home in Eure, during the night from Saturday to Sunday. The child showing signs of possible physical violence could not be resuscitated.

A little girl aged three died, apparently after receiving numerous blows. The victim was found at his parents’ home in Conches-en-Ouche, in Eure, after the intervention of firefighters during the night from Saturday to Sunday according to information from Paris-Normandy. The three-year-old child was in cardio-respiratory arrest.

Emergency transported to the Charles-Nicolle University Hospital in Rouen, the little girl could not be resuscitated. The death of the little girl could be due to violence, but for the moment the public prosecutor of Evreux has simply indicated to our colleagues from the Norman newspaper that the little girl “was covered in bruises”.

Both parents of the child were arrested and taken into police custody. The public prosecutor must hold a conference and clarify the circumstances of the child’s death this Tuesday, September 26 during the day.
