A simple lemon stung with bay leaves to place in each room …. Here is an effective, economical and 100% natural grandmother recipe!
Spring is there and with him, the desire for a great household. The return of sunny days actually rhymes often with great cleaning. If you are looking for an alternative to chemicals to clean up the air of your interior, nature has more than one trick in its bag! And our grandmothers knew it well …
Laurier and lemon, two ingredients of everyday life, prove to be precious allies. Combined, their powers are formidable. Here is a simple user manual to enjoy their benefits throughout the house. Choose all of Abod a beautiful, very firm organic lemon and 4 to 5 fresh bay leaves. Wash the lemon carefully. Then prick the bay leaves over its entire surface by pushing them to three-quarters. It’s ready!
Then arrange your lemons judiciously in the house, at the rate of one per room of about 15m2. Place them in height, sheltered from direct sunlight. Strategic places are the surroundings of windows and doors, cupboards and wardrobes, the kitchen near the trash cans or the toilets. Remove the wilted leaves and renew the preparation every two weeks. Be careful with children and animals! To avoid any risk, it is better to place them in places that are difficult to access, for example in height.

The interaction of lemon and bay leaf then produced a powerful deodorant effect. The fresh and tangy scent of lemon neutralizes bad odors while the aromatic compounds of bay leaf bring a invigorating touch to your interior. This natural and light scent cleanses the atmosphere without being heady.
But that’s not all! Laurier contains cineole and eugenol, repulsive substances for some harmful such as mosquitoes or ants. Citric lemon acid strengthens its effectiveness. No more insects that invite themselves in the house with the first rays of sun! For this, you can also place near windows, doors or in the cupboards … The reason is simple: these small rustic diffusers also show their effectiveness against mites, protecting your clothes in the cabinets. Yes, our grandmothers really understood everything to start spring with the best foot.