A legislative pact but still no coalition, the ambiguous position of the right

A legislative pact but still no coalition the ambiguous position

If an agreement between Macronie and Les Républicains was possible to allow the election of Yaël Braun-Pivet to the perch, the leader of the right Laurent Wauquiez still does not intend to enter the government. He reaffirmed this by unveiling his “legislative pact” on Monday, July 22. However, the right is putting 13 bills on the table, so as “not to plunge the country into paralysis.”

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Fight against welfare, cleaning up public finances, reestablishing authority and further tightening of immigration rules… With its pact, the right places itself in the opposition but wants to be responsible. There must not be, in the face of Emmanuel Macronoppositions which are only extremist caricatures, said Laurent WauquiezWe are in opposition but that does not prevent us from discussing or respecting each other.. »

The leader of the right assures that he has not consulted anyone in Macronie. He also rules out any entry into the government: ” This is not a government coalition. Given the damage that Emmanuel Macron has done inside the country, it is unthinkable for us to sign a blank check. »

Two red lines

But who then to take up proposals on immigration already made but censored by the Constitutional Council last January? Who will integrate 25 billion euros of savings into the next budgets?

The new leader of the LR deputies remains vague: ” Any executive that takes up this legislative pact, we undertake to vote on the laws that are within it. » And fixes two red lines: “We will oppose any tax increase. The second red line is any savings that would be made on the backs of retirees. »

In addition to the desire to shift government policy to the right while remaining in opposition, Laurent Wauquiez also has an objective. At the end of his press conference, one of his advisors said: “ In the introduction to our first group meeting, he told us: “The next stop is the Élysée.” »

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