A leading expert points out when we will be able to remove “all restrictions”

A leading expert points out when we will be able

Measures such as the removal of the mask in outdoor spaces, or the return of full capacity to sports venues, opens a new scenario with respect to the current epidemiological context, favored with a cumulative incidence, which is 786 cases.

These first two confirmed measures, added to other restrictions that different communities have applied in recent months, have been withdrawn due to the downward trend in COVID-19 infections in recent weeks, after the rebound produced by the Ómicron variant from last November to mid-January. The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchezalso confirmed the improvement of our country.

Regarding a possible removal of the mask indoors, the leader of the Executive stated that the decline of cases is due “thanks to the contribution of science“, although it will be the experts who decide when its use can be withdrawn indoors. “It will no longer be mandatory when science and health professionals say so. I hope it’s sooner rather than later.”he explained.

Regarding the withdrawal of all restrictions due to coronavirus, the duration of the quarantines and the management of the pandemic by Spain, the former adviser to Obama and former director of Health Systems spoke, Raphael Bengoa. In an interview to NIUS, Bengoa explained that “we began to be much safer”, due to existing treatments and vaccines. In addition, he mentioned a key period of the year that could change the course of the current situation.

“In spring we could remove the restrictions”

As Bengoa explained to the aforementioned media, it would be from spring when the restrictions still in place could be withdrawn. “If the epidemiology continues down and everything goes as it seems, in spring we could remove the restrictions“, said.

Among the restrictions that could be definitively withdrawn is the use of a mask, which is still in force indoors and at large events where the safety distance of 1.5 meters cannot be guaranteed. “We could take it off for good in the spring and make a life almost unrestricted“, argued the doctor.

Bengoa explained in AS last January about what will happen in spring. “We are going to enter the endemic phase, probably in the late spring. In those moments there will already be clear calls to remove masks indoors and outdoors and return to a lot of normality“. He also stressed the need for administrations to organize a plan B, in case the situation does not improve.

Different experts agree on the same forecast

Different epidemiologists, virologists and doctors expressed their point of view on the possible date on which the pandemic, as we conceive it, can be considered over. Several of them agreed, like Bengoa, that this situation could occur in the spring. Former WHO adviser and infectious disease researcher, Vincent SorianoHe said it would take place from Easter. “By Easter this is over”.

For his part, the virologist at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, Adolfo Garcia Tailor, pointed out what the evolution of the pandemic will be. “The pandemic is going to be over before we know it’s over“, he defined.
