a joint operation of MONUSCO and the Congolese army launched to counter the M23

a joint operation of MONUSCO and the Congolese army launched

In the DRC, MONUSCO is deploying in the face of the threat from the M23 rebels in the east of the country. Operation “Springbok” was launched this Friday jointly with the Congolese army. Violent clashes have resumed since the beginning of October, which pushes MONUSCO to deploy its security system, particularly in the localities of Saké and Goma.

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MONUSCO’s concern is serious, explained Friday November 3, 2023 in Goma, General Otavio Rodrigues de Miranda Filho, commander of the MONUSCO force. The M23 offensives since the beginning of October have raised fears of potential attacks on the two main towns of the province Goma and Saké. As a result, the United Nations mission deploys, with the Congolese army, Operation Springbok created to counter the rebels. “ It is a defensive approach at the moment, but if armed groups try to attack Saké or Goma, then we will change our approach from a defensive posture to an offensive posture. “, warns General Miranda Filho.

In recent days, clashes have been concentrated in Virunga National Park. According to MONUSCO, M23 forces are heading towards the south of North Kivu and the town of Saké, the last bastion before Goma. MONUSCO’s decision is therefore welcomed by the spokesperson for the military governor of North Kivu, Lieutenant-Colonel Guillaume Ndjike. “ The decision taken by MONUSCO is a considered decision. It is important that we can make these joint operations a success », Declares the military governor.

For the moment, beyond the name of the operation, no information has been given on its terms or on the means given to Spingbok to act. Despite the launch of Springbok, MONUSCO will begin its withdrawal from December following the request of the Congolese presidency, after more than 20 years of presence in the country.

Read alsoDRC: fighting intensifies around Kibumba, in North Kivu
