The increase, which was informed in the morning hours, was made in a sad way, and gasoline was increased by 2 liras, 18 cents, and LPG was increased by 54 cents. increases progress.
With the increase that will be effective as of Saturday, June 11, the liter price of gasoline in Istanbul, which is three big cities, is approximately 28.41 TLto Ankara 28.52 TLto , if in Izmir 28.53 TLwill rise to . By the way today with petrol electric car charging charges the time has come. You can see the last point on this subject in the news below.
If you’re considering an electric car because gasoline prices have increased so much, we can’t give good news about that either. As you can see below, currently in Turkey 730 thousand TL There is no under-zero electric car.