Healers in MMORPGs have a hard time. Players on the PS5 and Xbox Series X consoles now also have to discover this. Experienced healers will read with both a laughing and a crying eye how a healer is doing in Throne and Liberty.
This is what the healer says: A user on reddit with the not-so-healer-like name “Sweetkilla16” writes:
He plays a healer in Throne and Liberty and the MMORPG urgently needs a tracker that shows the toxic “kiddies with daggers on the Xbox” how terribly they play.
He says he was in a group with 3 DPS players yesterday and the first one actually only stood in two spots and took endless area damage. Then he died and got upset with the healer:
“Apparently I was expected to keep those pipes alive while they beat AFK the boss and ignored every mechanic possible.”
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Healer says. They blamed him and threw him out
That was the end of the encounter: After the group’s second wipe, everyone became quiet and quietly kicked him and replaced him with a new healer.
The Healer says: There really needs to be a way to display how much damage everyone takes in a dungeon so that the DPS whistleblowers realize how bad they are even though they think they’re elite.
This is the reaction: Many people in the comments know this ultimate “the healer is always to blame”:
This is what lies behind it: This discussion has been going on for as long as MMORPGs have existed. More than 10 years ago, the WoW expert Uncle Barlow wonderfully listed the different mentalities of the classes in his “class explanations” for WoW (via YouTube).
Melee DPS players in particular are typical examples of people who go purely for damage, stand in every fire themselves and blame everyone else at the end of every wipe. As everyone knows: Anything that doesn’t cause harm is for pussy and your mother skills Improved Sap! 12 of the most famous players from World of Warcraft