Very quickly becoming one of the faces of TF1 fiction, Laurent Ournac experienced a meteoric rise in the world of television.
His childhood
Laurent Ournac grew up in the Yvelines, not far from Versailles, in a family of civil servants. He says of himself that he was a rather good student, which did not prevent him from having fun: “with my round face and my mischievous eyes, I was already the class clown. I spoke loudly and I wanted to make everyone laugh, all the time”, he told Télé-Loisirs in 2016. From school, however, he was marked by his size. When a French teacher asks her class to write an essay, he talks about it: “I wanted to talk about my roundness but I had unconsciously named it ‘my pregnancy’ because in truth, my overweight was proving fruitful” explains- he in his autobiography.