A guild in WoW is dominating Twitch, but a streamer wants to expose it as a cheater

The MMORPG World of Warcraft is currently a huge topic on Twitch because of the guild “Onlyfangs”: Streamer play on a hardcore server. But there it is not supposed to be right things, believes Esfand, who expresses his concerns in conversation with Shroud.

This is special about Onlyfangs: The guild only plays on a hardcore server wow, but to make the whole even harder and entertaining for spectators, the guild has imposed a few rules (via reddit):

  • Players are not allowed to use the auction house and do not receive items by email
  • You are not allowed to act with players outside the guild and also with no one who is not at ONLYFANGS
  • You can’t even use the bank and don’t play second characters until you have reached level 60
  • That is why there are these rules: The rules are intended to prevent large streamers from simply gaining gold and items from fans or being dragged by raids, which lost all fairness. Asmongold is known for this.

    How is that monitored? The rule that you can only use items that you have found yourself or someone in the guild is monitored via an add -on.

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    “The amount of people who cheat is crazy”

    That is the accusation: The streamer Esfand now says that this is precisely this ITEMS rule is disregarded by some guild members. Because in a conversation a streamer says: he was in only fangs, but I bought items in the auction house and accepted gold from strangers. But he makes “Psst” that nobody should know that.

    But Esfand says in an interview with Shroud that guild members, if they are not in the stream, apparently make this behavior and simply switch off the monitoring add-on:

    The amount of people who switches off the add-on and then [Items von Fremden annehmen]is crazy. But they don’t talk to anyone about it, that’s totally crazy.

    Esfand says there is even a second Discord server for people who consciously cheat. He was a spy there and will reveal who violates the rules.

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    Especially those who do not play along blasphemes about only

    That is remarkable: Esfand itself has already died 9 times in only fangs and apparently has the snout full of the project. Therefore, some of them blaspheme that it is so snappy because he no longer makes a part of it. If the other raids were raid, Esfand would be with his shaman in the fallow land and be level 10.

    Shroud, with which he speaks in the clip, is also level 50 and still far from the maximum level. He’s just playing Marvel Rivals.

    People at Reddit believe that Esfand is simply “Salty” because he died so often. You can’t take it so seriously, which he said.

    That is behind it: The dream of the Tauren villain has finally come true in the form of Esfand.

    In the comments, drama-joyful fans of the guild are already rubbing their hands and say: Esfand should wait until the 1. Raid with his unveiling to cause maximum damage. ONLYFANGS remains a source of entertainment on Twitch: MMORPG streamer of the year has been playing WOW since 2008, duel loses twitch guild against Noob, which has only been playing for 2 months
