a group of associations is experimenting with social food security

a group of associations is experimenting with social food security

What if we contributed to Social Security to do our shopping? This is the principle of Social Food Security (SSA) defended by a collective of associations, researchers and citizens. Contribute according to your means and receive in exchange an amount for your food purchases. Experiments already exist in Gironde or Lyon for example, this time it is the 20th arrondissement of Paris which is trying the experiment.

2 mins

How to stop food insecurity? This is the concern of residents and associations gathered at the Flèche d’or, a cultural space in the 20th arrondissement of Paris.

We see that food aid has become a means of feeding oneself », explains anthropologist Bénédicte Bonzi. “ And this is where we see that there is food violence taking place. This is because, structurally, we make choices that will impact the future of people in their place and deprive them of their right to food. ».

150 volunteers

Hence the idea of ​​Social Food Security. The project is to select 150 volunteers who will contribute according to their means, but will receive 100 euros per month to buy in approved stores. This with the financial support of the city, explains Lila Djellali, deputy mayor of the 20th arrondissement. “ We, the city, will cover the rest. If the average contribution of all these people who are going to contribute, we arrive at 50 euros, well, it is the city which will contribute the other 50 euros », she explains.

The idea particularly appealed to Agnès Fontaine, a resident. “ I resorted to food aid at a time when it was very very very complicated financially. The fact that they were poor quality products made me feel very bad about eating other people’s crumbs. It’s not great in terms of mental health ».

The very long-term objective is to make these local experiences widespread throughout France.

Also readWhy food security remains insufficient
