a ground intervention which promises to be difficult for the Israeli army

a ground intervention which promises to be difficult for the

During an exercise on the northern border on Wednesday, September 25, the Israeli army chief of staff called on soldiers to prepare for a possible “ entrance » in Lebanon. The forces present allow us to better understand what this type of combat would entail.

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Facing the blue line, the Israeli army deployed three divisions, or nearly 40,000 men. On the other side of the border, the Hezbollah claims 100,000 fighters. A much larger force in any case than that of Hamas in Gaza which at best could bring together 15,000 to 20,000 men.

But it is above all Hezbollah’s arsenal that impresses: although weakened by Israeli strikes, the International Institute for Strategic Studies notes that the pro-Iranian militia has all the conventional weapons possible and in number: 200,000 missiles with a range of up to 1,000 km, including precision missiles and almost as many rockets. Added to this are anti-aircraft batteries and a range of drones, including Iranian Shahed-136s used by Russia in Ukraine.

Hezbollah is “ bigger, better financed, more professional, and better equipped than Hamas », insists the research center. It also has very seasoned units, like Al Radwan, an elite unit trained for assaults as well as border infiltrations.

Engaging in ground combat will therefore not be a walk in the park, and the Israeli army must certainly have anticipated the probability of having very numerous losses in its ranks.

Also read[En direct] Lebanon: Israel claims to have killed another Hezbollah commander
