a government seminar, but what for?

Emmanuel Macron warns the French of the end of abundance

All the ministers are taking part, on August 31, in a government seminar organized at the Elysee Palace in the wake of the Council of Ministers. It was Emmanuel Macron himself who announced it last week on the occasion of the Council of Ministers back to school. The objective is to set the government’s work schedule for the coming months.

The idea is to show that it’s back to school “Explains a minister about the government seminar, immediately adding:” But that doesn’t mean that for a month we didn’t do anything “. This seminar is an opportunity to give everyone clear roadmaps, with a guiding thread, the ” sobriety “.

Environmental impact

Each policy implemented must now be viewed in terms of its environmental impact, at a time when the energy supply is in danger and when the French must consider the hypothesis of a “ ration for this winter, as Élisabeth Borne explained at the Medef summer school.

Ministers must be examples, engines in their policy and in the management of ministry buildings. Matignon passed the order in August: less heating, lights off, escalators stopped and no cars with the engine running to wait for his minister as was often the case in the courtyard of the Élysée. .

Major projects on the table

At the end of this seminar, the major projects will be on the table: energy, police, justice, work, budget; the next sequence is already set for September 8 with the launch of the National Council for Refoundation. Back-to-school communication which is therefore done in stages.

►Also listen : Politics: “Protesting France is more to the right electorally”
