a gas station explodes, two dead and 56 injured

a gas station explodes two dead and 56 injured

Two people were killed and 56 injured, several of whom were transported abroad for treatment, in two explosions that occurred on Saturday August 26 near Bucharest at a liquefied gas station, the Romanian authorities announced.

2 mins

Thirty-nine firefighters who intervened, this Saturday evening, August 26, on the site of a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) station in Crevedia, north of Bucharest, after a first explosion, were injured when a second explosion took place. The two deceased are a couple, the man of whom suffered a heart attack, while the woman, who suffered severe burns, later died of her injuries.

Severe burns

Among the wounded are also two police officers and two gendarmes, detailed Raed Arafat, head of the rescue department, who specifies that some of these wounded suffer from serious burns. ” We transferred two firefighters and two civilians overseas (to be treated, editor’s note) and others will follow “, announced Mr. Arafat in a press release. These wounded were taken to Italy and Belgium, according to the Romanian Defense Ministry.

Romania requested assistance, via the civil protection mechanism of the European Union, for the treatment of 18 seriously burned patients, and Austria, Germany and Norway have offered their help, indicated on X (ex-Twitter) the European commissioner for the Crisis Management, Janez Lenarcic. The reasons for the explosions were not yet known, but an investigation is underway.

Population evacuated

We know that the station was not in service, and had no authorization to operate “, said Mr. Arafat again. More than twenty fire engines were dispatched to the scene, and the population was evacuated within a radius of 700 meters, the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations said in a statement. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis lamented on Facebook a “ tragedy and has already called for an investigation.

(With AFP)

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