A French “best teacher in the world”? She can be elected thanks to this method well to her

A French best teacher in the world She can be

The Frenchman Céline Haller is one of the ten finalists of the Global Teacher Prize Prize. She could pocket a one million dollars check during the awards presenting in Dubai.

Cocorico. A Frenchwoman may well be elected best teacher in the world. Céline Haller, 44, is one of the 10 finalists of the Global Teacher Prize, a competition that highlights innovation in teaching and education and rewards a teacher every year since 2015. The prize will be awarded on Wednesday February 12 2025 in Dubai by the Varkey Foundation. At the key: a nice jackpot of $ 1 million, or around 965,000 euros,Gradually and fairly donated over ten years. Since the creation of this competition, no French has been crowned.

Céline Haller is professor in CM1 and CM2 classes at the Rosa Parks school in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin), in a school classified REP+. When she learned the names of the finalists, she simply melted in tears: “I know that I work hard, I know what I do, but compared to others? It’s nothing”, is surprised -It to BFMTV. The Frenchwoman was selected from 5,000 candidates from 89 countries.

If her technique may surprise, she sees it as clear benefits and it is clear that the jury is of the same opinion. For the past ten years, she has started every day from breakfast to breakfast, prepared and shared by all her students. Questioned by Le Parisien, the main interested party started from a simple and alarming observation: some children do not have breakfast before arriving by school, for lack of means. Now is a morning, she offers to organize a meal and observe behavioral changes in her little protégés.

“Mixity between girls and boys is more fluid”

This well -to -see technique allows children from 9 to 10 years old to learn to count, to measure, to analyze their food but also creates a real moment of conviviality and sharing in a certain simplicity. “In addition to the gain on health, students are motivated to come to school, group cohesion is much better, they discuss more between them, eat together, the mix between girls and boys is more fluid,” said -Is in the columns of the newspaper. If she were to be the happy elected this Wednesday, the Strasbourgeoise plans to “continue to develop this project (…) and disseminate the pedagogy there is around”, she explains to the newspaper Le Parisien.

The Global Teacher Prize has already praised “UNo initiative created to combat inequalities in terms of health, well-being and education, which implies that students organize two breakfasts per week for the whole school “. Proof of already recognized success, the French government has added the model created by Céline Haller to its 2019 poverty plan which helps to fight against the problems of poverty, precariousness, integration and insertion and Access to the rights of young sporulations.
